
Are taxes included in my Paperform subscription payments?
Your invoices, which can be accessed via your account Billing Portal at > scroll down to the "Go to Billing Portal" button.
Can I customize my invoices and receipts?
Paperform allows you to customize the details of future invoice receipts. To get started, navigate to your Billing Settings and click on the button labeled "Go to Billing Portal".
How are changes to my plan billed and charged; do I only pay the difference?
If you make a change to your paid Paperform subscription, you only pay the difference and don't forfeit any charges already made toward your subscription. This does not include cancellations, only changes in plan type and length.
How do I add a tax ID?
If you're a paying customer, we require you to provide a tax ID from your region. Here's how to add a tax ID.
How do I cancel my Paperform account?
You can cancel your Paperform account in your Account Settings. Paying customers are not able to suspend or pause their account, only to cancel and reactivate. Expired trial accounts can be reactivated at any time by upgrading to a paid account.
How do I make changes to my Paperform plan?
You can make changes to your Paperform plan via Billing in your account settings.
How do I reactivate or reinstate my account?
You can always reactivate your account if your trial has expired or your account was canceled.
How do I upgrade or downgrade my paid plan?
Looking to change up your current subscription? You're in luck, the process has never been easier. Follow our instructions to get started with the switch.
In what currency are Paperform customer subscriptions and fees charged?
Paperform customer subscription and fee charges are made in USD.
Is it possible to have receipts sent to a different email address than mine?
By default, invoice receipts are sent to your account's email. If you'd like to change where receipts are sent, you have one of two options...
What is Paperform's refund policy?
You can find Paperform's Refund Policy at
What payment methods can I use to pay for my Paperform subscription?
You can make payment to purchase and continue to pay for a Paperform subscription plan by making payment with credit or debit card, Google Pay, or ACH bank transfer.
Where can I find Paperform's W9 form or tax information?
As our Terms state, Paperform is US based company. You can find our W-9 form by following this link
Where can I find and download my Paperform plan receipts?
You can access, view, and download your Paperform Receipts via your Account Settings in the Paperform Dashboard which can be found at