
How can I copy my form to another account?
You can copy your form to another account by sharing your form as a template through Share → Template within the form editor.
How can I organize my forms into groups?
You can organize your forms into different spaces in your Dashboard.
How can I rename my form?
You can change the title of the form under Configure → Details from the editor, or by clicking the form's name in the Dashboard.
How can I transfer my forms or space?
Agency plan users can transfer spaces and individual forms under Account Settings → Form Transfers.
How do I add an icon to my form?
An icon can be added to your form and will be displayed anywhere that identifies your form's webpage. This includes tabs, bookmarks, etc.
How do I change the description of my form?
The description of your form appears in search results and when you share your form on social media. You can change it in the Configure → Details section of your form editor.
How do I change the title of my form?
You can change a form's title directly from the Paperform dashboard, or from the form editor by navigating to Configure → Details.
How do I create a form?
Click the "Create a form" button in the top-right corner of your Dashboard.
How do I delete a form?
You can delete a form from your Dashboard by clicking the icon with three dots (...) and then selecing "Delete."
How do I duplicate a form?
You can duplicate a form from your Dashboard by clicking the three dots icon (...) , then selecting "Make a copy."
How do I edit a form?
You can edit a form through your dashboard by clicking "Edit" next to the relevant form, or via API methods using our documentation.
How do I restore a deleted form?
You can contact our support team to restore a deleted form or email us at
How do I search for my form in my dashboard?
You can search for a particular form from your dashboard.
How do I tag a form?
To tag a form, head to your dashboard. Underneath your form title you will see the option to 'Add tag'.